What colors do Redfish like?

Redfish, also known as red drum, are a popular target species for anglers along the Gulf Coast and the Eastern Seaboard ranging from Florida all the way up to Virginia and are a species we target very often here in North Carolina. These hard-fighting fish are known for their aggressive strikes and are the number one targeted species for Sight Fishing here in North Carolina. One question that often comes up among anglers and clients is, "What colors do redfish like?" In this blog post, we'll explore some of the best color choices for targeting redfish, taking into consideration different water colors.

1. Natural Colors: When it comes to redfish, natural colors are often very effective and can work more times than not. Redfish are bottom dwellers and blend in with their surroundings, so using lures that mimic their natural prey is a good strategy. Colors like brown, tan, and olive are great choices for imitating small crabs, shrimp, and baitfish that redfish feed on. These natural colors work well in clear water conditions.

2. Red and Gold: Redfish are named for their reddish color, so it's no surprise that they are attracted to the color red. Bronze / Red lures, such as soft plastics or spoons, can be highly effective in enticing redfish to bite. Adding a touch of gold to your red lures can also increase their appeal, as redfish are known to be attracted to shiny objects. Red and gold lures work well in clear to slightly stained water.

3. Chartreuse: Chartreuse is a bright, fluorescent green color that is highly visible in the water. This color can be especially effective when fishing in murky or stained waters, as it stands out and catches the attention of redfish. Chartreuse soft plastics, crankbaits, and spinnerbaits are popular choices among anglers targeting redfish. Chartreuse works well in stained or murky and muddy water conditions.

4. Black and Purple: While natural colors are often the go-to choice for redfish, don't overlook the effectiveness of darker colors like black and purple. These colors create a strong contrast in the water and can be particularly effective when fishing in low-light conditions or in areas with heavy vegetation. Black and purple soft plastics, jigs, and topwater lures can produce great results. Black and purple work well in low-light or dark water conditions and also in muddy water conditions.

5. Experiment and Adapt: It's important to remember that fishing conditions can vary greatly, and what works one day may not work the next. Redfish can be finicky at times, so it's always a good idea to experiment with different colors and see what they respond to. Pay attention to the conditions, such as water clarity and light conditions, and adapt your lure colors accordingly.

In conclusion, redfish are attracted to a variety of colors, but the best color choices can depend on the water color. Natural colors like brown, tan, and olive are often effective in clear water, while red and gold lures work well in slightly stained water. Chartreuse is a great choice for stained or murky water, and black and purple are effective in low-light or dark water / muddy water conditions. Remember to experiment and adapt your lure colors based on the fishing conditions. Good luck on your next redfish adventure!


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